Wednesday, September 14, 2016

EVIL Sugar The Poisoning of America

The Poisoning of America
The Truth Behind Obesity In Our Country
Gerald Kein

Without a doubt weight-loss seems to be one of the most difficult problems we face as hypnotists. There is no question that the population in the United States and other industrialized countries are becoming more obese every year. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the nutritionists and physicians are focusing their efforts in the wrong area. The food pyramid which has been recommended for so many years has been nothing but a big, fat lie. The reality of why we, as a society, are getting heavier is obvious and yet ignored. Let me give you a personal example.

Then came the advent of the computer.  Instead of going out to run, play and jump after school our children sit on the couch playing video games or watching TV. We rapidly became a nation of fat, lazy, sedate, over eating, sugar addicted and motionless robots.

The Real Poison = SUGAR!!!

Poison, The medical definition:  "Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction. 
 Dr. William Coda Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. “What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite'; such as, pyretic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyretic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease. 
Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination make upon one's entire system.” Quote from “Sugar Blues”.
Processed Sugar…..The word itself should send tremors of fear throughout all of your mind and body!  It is the most absolute, non-nutritious, life draining, fat producing, disease creating, teeth rotting chemical ever developed my man.  It has no nutritional value at all. It meets all criteria in the definition of poison.  Sugar is more addictive than cigarettes, morphine, heroin, oxiconten or any other narcotic. It has not only penetrated all levels of our society but most of the world.

Sugar has been packaged in just about everything we buy at the grocery store, the fast food restaurant, our schools and what we eat in our homes. Sugar growers and food producers, knowing how bad it is to our health, have tried to disguise it by giving it different names; such as, dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, barley malt, black strap molasses, brown rice sugar, dextrin, dextrose, disaccharide, galactose, glucose, glycerin, hexitol, lactose, maltodextrin, maltose, microcrystalline, natural sweeteners, polydextrose, raisin juice, sorghum, sucanet, sucrose and too many other names to continue. Call it what you want….it all meets the definition of poison and has addicted our world.  The more of it we eat…the sicker, fatter and more stupid we become!

This is really amazing….We now know that 10 to 25% , depending on the brand, of cigarettes consists of sugar.  Smokers are not addicted to nicotine…They are addicted to sugar!  Every hypnosis stop smoking program should strongly address this addiction much more than any small nicotine component.

                                        Man Made Carbohydrates

The Secret Disguised Sugar

The word carbohydrate is nothing more than a word to define sugar in all its many additional and miscellaneous forms.  The natural carbohydrates in food are not inherently bad in moderation. The man made carbohydrates found in processed food are deadly to us.  In addition, we have been told that eating fat causes us to become fat.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Fat is the perfect fuel for our bodies. The so called carbohydrate laden food pyramid, which is recommended by physicians, is what causes us to become fat and sick! Once in our bodies, man made carbohydrates pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine turn to sugar, processed into excess fat and stored in our bodies. When we ingest fat, it is rapidly converted by the stomach into the pure fuel we need to efficiently burn for good health.

Hello….testing 1…2…physicians and nutritionists need to read the data and studies now available.  Stop poisoning people with the deadly “Food Pyramid!”  Get yourself re-educated and become the true healers you want to be.

Because man made and processed carbohydrate foods are relatively cheap, economically disadvantaged people made them the major part of their diet and these people get heavier and sicker…. pasta, bread,  potatoes, white rice and etc. With all the medical and nutritional data now available it is impossible to understand how the old food pyramid can still be said to be the way to eat by these purported authorities.  If, as a people, we really desire to become healthy all we have to do is three simple things.

  1. Eliminate processed sugar from our diet.
  2. Practice portion control.
  3. Move our bodies (just a little).
That’s it…..There is no deep dark secret…..It is that simple.

I went from 190 to 155 pounds. My blood lipids became better than perfect. Cholesterol from 275 to 105…Triglycerides from 800 to 110….bad LDL from 235 to 22. All of these changes took only two weeks merely by stopping eating processed sugar.  Nothing more required.  I didn’t exercise….I didn’t move my body very much.  As my appetite diminished, I discovered eating very little caused me to feel stuffed.

Yes, in order to give up sugar, one must eliminate all processed food, pasta, white rice, potatoes and other starches. One must look for the hidden sugars in everything we eat.  You must become a knowledgeable label reader.  Many individuals will say things like “I could never give up pasta.” Or, “I can’t live without potatoes.”  To those individuals I say you indeed have choices in what you eat and the quality of your health. You can chose to live to eat or chose to eat to live.  I chose the latter.  Like me, you will live or die based on the choices you make.  Ask yourself; Is a mashed potato with gravy or a bowl of pasta worth a lifetime of injecting yourself with insulin, becoming obese, suffering low self-esteem or a heart attack?

How Sugar Hurts Us And Causes Obesity

The ways in which sugar hurts us is horrific. Let me list just a few wonderful benefits we receive by becoming a sugar addict.
1.     Diabetes…Sugar is the leading cause of diabetes today. Take sugar out of most diabetics diet and all symptoms disappear or medication can be drastically reduced. I was a type 2 diabetic and now I take no medication and all symptoms are gone.
2.     Obesity…Sugar addicts rapidly become very heavy in life.  When you eat glucose (sugar) in great quanities it can not be prosessed fast enough by the liver so it is converted into fat and initially stored in the buttocks, waist and stomach area.  Then it gets stored in the artery walls and causes hardening of the arteries. Eliminate sugar and loose weight and open arteries.
3.     Excessive fatigue…Eliminate sugar and you will feel younger and more energetic than you have in many years.
4.     Mental illness… Back in the late 1800’s Dr. Tinera discovered that if you remove sugar from the diet many so called mental illnesses just seem to disappear. Also, sugar seems to be the leading cause of schizophrenia.  Dr. John Tinera and many others since, have stated that no one again, no one should ever undergo any type of psychotherapy without first having a five hour blood glucose test!!  He has shown that many mental and physical illnesses are cured by the elimination of sugar from the patients diet. Once more, eliminate sugar and feel better physically and mentally.
5.     Heart disease….Sugar stores itself in the arteries and eventually causes blockages.  Blockages lead to death.  About a year ago, I was told I had several non-operable blockages of two arteries in the rear of my heart.  I was diagnosed at great risk of sudden cardiac death. I eliminated sugar, took three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily.  A year later, my arteries are clean and unblocked. The physicians just can’t seem to figure that one out. 

I could continue with many more diseases and the effects that sugar causes but I think you get the point.  Processed sugar is your deadly enemy!  Another interesting thought, back in the late 1800’s it was discovered that rich sugar processors who ate lots of their product got fat, diabetes, became ill with a variety of diseases and died early.  The poor slaves who cut the sugar cane and chewed on the stalk never got diabetes or any other sugar related illness.  There are many good vitamins and minerals in the un-processed sugar cane that are eliminated in the processing procedure.

Hypnosis and Weight Control

Now, understanding how most people become fat and unhealthy, I would like to suggest that every hypnotist set out to accomplish several goals for the client while conducting weight control sessions.

1.     Educate the client as to how sugar will make them obese and ill.
2.     Eliminate any need the client has to punish himself.
3.     Re-create powerful feelings of self-worth and self-esteem within the client.
4.     Regress to discover who needs to be forgiven by the client.
5.     Have the client forgive self for all previous mistakes and misjudgments.
6.     Give suggestions concerning the evils of sugar.
7.     Give suggestions on how eliminating sugar from their lives will increase greatly their appearance and quality of life.
8.     Do chair therapy between client and a bowl of sugar.
9.     Do chair therapy with a sugar grower/producer.
10.  Do chair therapy with the sugar loving side of the client.
11.  Do direct suggestion using a sugar elimination script, combined with massive compounding.
12.  Give a powerful final summation. Follow with an instant, disguised, post-emergence combined with a compounding waking hypnosis direct suggestion interview.

As I learned through extensive research and self-practice, loosing weight  is very simple in theory and slightly more difficult in practice.  Sugar is a very strong addiction.  It may be the most powerful addiction that the majority of our society faces.  In order to succeed, there must be an absolute readiness for change.  Two things create readiness for change..pain and suffering.  When there has been enough pain…enough suffering…then and only then will the required motivation to succeed exist.  When the doctor told me to get my affairs in order, it instantly created my readiness for change.

Finally, without a doubt, sugar is one of the great evils in our world.  It is destroying our youth, creating unheard of obesity and disease. With all sincerity, if I were the President of the United States, I would declare, through executive decree, that our country is suffering a national health emergency. I would declare the manufacture, sale, distribution or possession of processed sugar a first degree felony with penalties similar to any other capital case. 

Would  this ever happen?  Of course not.  The sugar processors have very deep pockets and people have a very strong sweet tooth. It’s a business, it’s nothing personal, they do not care about the public health.  They just care about making money. So, the fat will continue to get fatter while saying, “I could never give up my pasta.”  The ill will become more ill, while saying “Life without a potato..No way!” or “I’m a desert addict. I could never give up my sweets.”  The rate of heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, will continue to grow.  All this while the “licensed” gurus continue to say don’t eat fat….eat sugar (man made carbohydrates.) 

And it’s all un-necessary. Today we have at least two artificial sweeteners, splenda and stevia, that can take the place of sugar completely without any negative consequences.  We have the facts….We have our choices. We could still eat sweets and stay healthy. 

Finally, if I have tweaked your interest about sugar I very strongly recommend you read the book titled, “Sugar Blues”.  You can get it at Amazon for about $10.  After reading this book I know you, like me, will become very upset about how politicians, physicians and sugar processors have been allowed to continue poisoning you, me and our children. It’s time now.  It’s time now to take back control of our health instead of letting sugar control, fatten and slowly kill us.  Or to quote that famous American J. Worthington Foulfellow, (My dad made up that name.) “Somebody Should Do Something!”

Hummm…..I guess someday I will tell you how I really feel about sugar! J

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm Shocked
Gerald Kein

I recently returned from the NHG conference in Massachusetts.  It was great to see old friends and meet many new people I have only known on Facebook.  While there I taught several classes but I just have to relate to you an experience I had one of my training programs about Abreaction Control.

My normal training programs that I teach at the Omni Hypnosis Training Center we spend quite a bit of time discussing abreaction's and how to control them.  The types of abreaction's and how to control them have changed dramatically since the 1950s or at least I thought they had.  Back in the 40s and 50s Harry Arrons wrote in his book "The New Master Course of Hypnotism" that if somebody started to abreaction during an induction generally they started rolling their head and moving her legs back and forth.  When this happened you were told to stand behind the individual physically stop the rotation of his head and emerge them.  You are then told to attempt to re-hypnotize the person and if you encountered the same situation emerged in and then send them to a psychologist. 

Today we know that given the same situation we have given a marvelous opportunity to induce deep hypnosis and regression by simply tapping them on the four head while saying "As I count from three back to one go back to the first situation or event that caused these feelings."  In just a few seconds we will find ourselves at the event that cause the problem the person is in your office for.  It may just be soft crying or rollaway to the other extreme loud screaming and flailing of the arms or even more.

To the hypnotist that is well-trained in abreaction therapy this is indeed a gift as it shortens the session dramatically.  You can then do the transformational therapy that should just take a few minutes and the client's problem is eliminated.  I know this may sound simple but the reality is often it is very simple.

Many individuals don't realize that some traumatic events of the past are kept from the knowledge of the subconscious mind.  These are things like rape, combat or extremely embarrassing situations.  They are kept repressed because if the subconscious had to dwell on them on a daily basis the individual would be unable to go through their life normally.  This can create a problem for the hypnotist.  It takes a tremendous amount of energy by the inner mind to constantly repress this information from the consciousness.  If during the induction the clients subconscious mind feels that the hypnotist is able to handle this repressed situation it will reveal this long forgotten memory and an abreaction will begin.  This can be a very exciting time for the hypnotist as it's totally unexpected and sometimes very violent.  If the hypnotist doesn't know how to instantly take care of the situation it can get rapidly out of control and cause the client harm.

We all understand the four types of abreaction that can present themselves but for review let's remember first, we have a directed regression.  That's when hypnotist purposely regresses a person back to a known time and place.  Second, the non-directed regression or the hypnotist simply says go back to the first situation or event that caused the problem you're in the office for.  Third, the spontaneous regression this is the one I talked about above when it comes on when you least expect it.  And last, the recreational regression.  This is generally any regression that things like searching for past lives etc.  Anyone of these regressions can be directly to an either gentle or severe abreaction and all of us need to know how to handle this situation.

The technique that I teach is very old and very simple.  You simply say to the person the words "The scene fades and you tend to your breathing."  Is extremely important for you to memorize these words as well as you memorize your own name.  They are the golden words that will keep you out of trouble during any abreaction.  During the more emotional abreaction's you may have to say these words more than once.  After you say the words the abreaction will slowly go away over a period of 30 to 90 seconds and you can then resume your session.  I went to the exact technique of how to do this in another article so this is just an overview.  It is not the jest of this article
to teach abreaction therapy but to go over situation that happened in my class.

In my class at the NGH while I was teaching this technique of handling abreaction's I noticed two people in the front row of my class kind of looking down at the floor and shaking her heads slowly.  They looked up at me and said that's not what I was taught in my training program.  Well in order to be politically correct I said well there are many ways to stop in abreaction and I asked them how they were taught.  They told me their instructor told them that if in abreaction happened they should lean over the individual lift up their eyelids and blow on their eyes.  Okay.  You got it.  This is why I was shocked!  And I guess I look shocked and for the first time in many classes I didn't know what the say for a few seconds. 

I thought to myself this technique is right out of that old Harry Arrons book we spoke about in paragraph two.  I couldn't believe what I heard could you imagine you have a client in your chair and all of a sudden a slip into a violent abreaction.  There screaming at the top of their lungs.  Their arms are flailing in all directions and you lean over (hopefully without getting hit by one of their arms) lift their eyelids and blow on their eyes.  I can't begin to count the ways how wrong this is.  For example those of you who have studied NLP realize you are creating an unbelievably strong negative anchor that will affect the individual for the rest of his life.  The permanent psychological harm you can cause a person to have can affect them for the rest of their lives.  I thought we moved away from this kind of training back in the 60s but I guess not.

When a client comes into our office they are trusting us to take care of them, mentally and psychically.  To lift their eyelids and blow on the eyes in the middle of a violent abreaction is a sign of abject lack of functional clinical training and whoever is using and teaching this technique owes it not only to their clients but to our entire profession to get retrained in this area.  If we as professional hypnotists are unable to handle these type of situations when they present themselves we probably should not be practicing professionally until we become competent in handling these matters without causing harm to the client.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Breaking Your Comfort Zonr

Breaking Your Comfort Zone
Gerald F. Kein

In the privacy of our hypnosis sessions, many of us have gotten into a professional rut.  We may have attended great training programs which gave us lots of tools with which to do our work, but, we no longer use these tools or have forgotten them.  We seem to use the same induction, the same deepening technique, the same patter and our outcome does not seem to be as good as it once was. 

After  completing our training, most of us were excited about starting our profession.  We felt  there was nothing we couldn’t do.  We had a fire of confidence in our soul which we radiated to each and every client we saw and they achieved great success.  When clients in pain were in our presence, they just seemed to know they were going to be successful.  We transmitted that positive energy to each client.  But then after a while, things began to change.  Somehow we began to lose our confidence.  We began to question our abilities.  The percentage of failures began to increase.  What was wrong?  We got ourselves into a rut!  We lost our positive energy.  The fear of not having a successful session began to grow.  Why did this happen?  What can be done to  re-gain our excitement and positive mental attitude?  Let us look, at the possible contributing factors.

The Pre-Talk – Look back at your training.  You were taught that the pre-talk is the most important part of the hypnosis session.  We now know that there is basically no such thing as a good subject or bad subject.  We know clients accept hypnosis in direct relationship to the fear they have period!  If your clients are not entering trance as quickly or deeply as they use to, perhaps you have changed or shortened your pre-talk?  Have you left out important information which would have removed any lingering fears? Have you become lazy?  Have you become too friendly with your clients and lost your professional demeanor?  Are you no longer dressing professionally? Are you presenting a too casual appearance?  In your conversations with clients, do you present a self-confident attitude?  It is to your benefit to review these things periodically and make the necessary corrections.

The Induction – This is where the challenges of getting clients into a workable level of trance begin.  Are you using just one type induction with all of your clients?  Unfortunately, some  trainings only teach one method of trance induction, the progressive relaxation method.  It is unbelievable that this should be the case but I hear it over and over from my students who have had previous training elsewhere.  This induction is fine for some people, but many others will not respond well enough to obtain the necessary level of trance for a successful session.  Because there is no testing built into this induction, the hypnotist has no idea what level of trance the client has achieved at the induction’s completion.  On the other hand, perhaps you learned many fine inductions during your training.  When you learned them, they excited you and made you feel that you could hypnotize anyone.  But for some reason you no longer use these inductions and have reverted to using just the progressive relaxation method.  Why?  It’s safe! It does not challenge you!  It takes away your fear! Clients look like they are hypnotized. Unfortunatly, with this induction many people do not think they were hypnotized.  A deep enough level of trance might not be achieved and your outcome could suffer. Okay, you can correct this.  If all you learned was the fractional relaxation induction, seek out someone to teach you many of the inductions that are available.  Learn how to match the proper induction to your clients personality.  If you learned many different inductions in your trainings, dust them off and start using them with your clients.  Force yourself to break your comfort zone by using other inductions and watch your excitement begin to return!

Depth Testing – Okay, be honest with yourself.  Do you test your clients for depth after the induction process?  Or, do you look at the client and say to yourself,  “He looks plenty relaxed so I’ll start reading him some patter.”  Remember, a relaxed person is not necessarily a hypnotized person.  The client may just be relaxed so you must do some testing.  I know. In the privacy of your session room, depth testing can be an uncomfortable prospect.  It’s easy to think if the client  fails the test he will look at you as an incompetent hypnotist.  You need to break your comfort zone and test your clients.  Testing is the major factor in eliminating the, “I don’t think I was hypnotized” syndrome.  Many inductions have disguised testing built into them.  The test is actually part of the induction and  the client is unaware that he is being tested.  The Elman induction is probably the best in  having disguised testing built into the technique.  Successfully testing your clients gives them and you the confidence of a promising successful session.

The Therapy – You have learned many different transformational tools during your training.  Each of these tools are affective in applicable situations. Some of the tools could include direct suggestion, regression, abreaction exploration, ISE discovery, death bed or chair therapy, inner child work, self-trance discovery and more.  Are you still using these exciting challenging tools or have you reverted to just giving direct suggestions for all your clients?  If you are just using direct suggestion, are you using the powerful law of compounding to make those suggestions as powerful and long lasting as they can be?  Dust off those powerful discovery and transformational techniques your instructors taught you and start using them again!  Sure they’re more work.  Sure they’re challenging.  Sure they require you to think and work in uncomfortable areas but, they are the powerful and exciting tools you need to use. When you see again how quickly these interventions transform your clients, once again that original feeling of being able to do anything and the excitement of the profession will return. 

Session Summation – After all your work has been completed while the client is still in deep trance, this is a great time to summarize the session.  It is the time to place your client into those situations that previously caused him to react in a negative way and show him that he is now cool and comfortable.  For example, if your client came to you for phobia removal, place him in a situation that would have caused the phobia attack to begin and say, “Try to find the fear.  Try hard and discover the harder you try to find the fear, the more cool and comfortable you become.”  This will really bring home to the client that his problem has really disappeared and he is free.

Trance Termination – This is a frequently overlooked yet very important part of a successful session.  If you use an up count (1-5) to emerge your client, between each number, compound suggestions and affirmations of their success. Say these suggestions with emotion so they penetrate into the deepest part of the client’s subconscious mind and further enhance his belief in his success.  Get your client excited!  You get excited!

The Post-Hypnotic Interview – Another often overlooked part of a successful session.  Let your mind drift back to your basic training when your first instructor explained it’s importance.  Remember after you emerge your client and his eyes are open he is still in a hyper state of suggestibility for 30-90 seconds.   Once more don’t miss this opportunity to use direct suggestion in a summation format to compound  the fact that your client has attained the success he came to you to achieve.  Again, give these suggestions with a degree of emotion attached to them to guarantee deep penetration of the concepts.

Getting back to the basics of what you learned will re-energize you.  Re-reading one of the first books you ever read about hypnosis will clearly show you how much you have learned since reading it the first time.  Go out and give some lecture/demonstrations again.  Go and redo the things that stirred your excitement when you first started in the work.  You are a member of the finest, most exciting transformational profession in the world.  Few people have the skills to do what you do.  Few people have the ability to positively transform people in the twinkling of an eye.  Get out of the rut!  Dust off the old skills you were taught.  Learn the new skills that will get you excited again.  Spend 10% of each session in experimenting with new techniques.  You can again feel the power and excitement that comes with every successful session.  Get excited.  Stay excited and you can make this the finest, most successful professional year of your career.
Best regards,
Gerald F. Kein

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Uncovering Techniques

Knowing the best way to learn about your clients real problem is critical to your success.